Sunday, January 31, 2016


Joseph continues the "translation" of the scriptures.  The paper "The Evening and Morning Star" began to be published to "gratify and enlighten the humble inquirer after truth."  The press was arrayed against the truth, even back then.  But "The Evening and Morning Star" was a bulwark against the calumny.

More than a few lines from the first edition of the newspaper are noteworthy, but let these suffice:

"That it (the Star) comes to declare that goodness consists in doing good, not merely in preaching it; That it comes to show that all men's religion is vain without charity; That it comes to open the way for Zion to rise and put on her beautiful garments and become the glory of the earth, that her land may be joined, or married (according to the known translation of Isaiah) to Jerusalem again, and they be one as they were in the days of Peleg." (p.275)

And, "It is the duty of the Church of Christ, in Zion, to stand as an ensign to all nations."

W.W. Phelps signed this salutatory address.

Here is another passage worth remembering:

"Example is the great thing that defies the world with all its vain glory; by letting their moderation be known unto all men, both in dress and in living; in words and in deeds; in watching and in praying; in love and in labor, and in works as well as in faith, they [the Saints] preach the world a lecture, they set the inquirer an example, and teach all Christendom a lesson, that studied preaching and pulpit eloquence have failed to accomplish."

The Saints began to prepare schools and books for children.  The gathering of Israel was in full swing.  If revelations were given anciently, one article of the Star affirmed, then it only makes sense that revelations pertaining to different times and circumstances would be given as well.  Thus the Star explains the necessity of continuing revelation.

There is counsel given to the Elders of the Church, there is foreign news, items for the public, reports of the cholera, and invitations to the honorable men of the world.

"And fellow sojourners upon earth, it is your privilege to purify yourselves and come up to the same glory, and see for yourselves, and know for yourselves.  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

It is a great name, and a great newspaper.  

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