This is an amazing chapter. Read it all.
Joseph Smith and his associates endure many afflictions at the hands of the mob. Emma had given birth to twins, who died shortly after birth. She became the mother of the Murdock twins after that, but one night, while Joseph, Emma and the babies were sleeping, the wicked mob broke into their home and wrestled Joseph from his bed. One of the strongest members of the mob would later remark that Joseph the Prophet was the most powerful man he had ever encountered. Joseph was stripped, beaten, tarred and feathered. The mob tried to force poison into his mouth, but the phial broke on his teeth. There was tar on his lips, and his body was scratched and injured. The next day, Joseph Smith, still in pain, preached and baptized several people, and some of the mob members were present to witness it.
Oliver Cowdery was badly hurt by the mob. One of the Murdock twins died as a result of the mob violence. Emma fainted when she saw her husband return from the persecution.
Joseph lept from a runaway horse coach, as did his associate, Bishop Whitney. Joseph was unharmed, but Bishop Whitney broke his leg in several places.
Joseph Smith had been fed poisonous material, which he vomited up so violently that it dislocated his jaw. It also caused him to loose tufts of hair (which is the reason why some depictions of the Prophet Joseph Smith show his hair combed in a funny sort of way.) Joseph Smith praised God and thanked Him even in his afflictions. He manifested the gifts of seership, and through his tribulations became stronger and drew closer to God.
Read this chapter if you wish to learn something about enduring tribulation and persecution in the name of Jesus Christ.
Joseph Smith and his associates endure many afflictions at the hands of the mob. Emma had given birth to twins, who died shortly after birth. She became the mother of the Murdock twins after that, but one night, while Joseph, Emma and the babies were sleeping, the wicked mob broke into their home and wrestled Joseph from his bed. One of the strongest members of the mob would later remark that Joseph the Prophet was the most powerful man he had ever encountered. Joseph was stripped, beaten, tarred and feathered. The mob tried to force poison into his mouth, but the phial broke on his teeth. There was tar on his lips, and his body was scratched and injured. The next day, Joseph Smith, still in pain, preached and baptized several people, and some of the mob members were present to witness it.
Oliver Cowdery was badly hurt by the mob. One of the Murdock twins died as a result of the mob violence. Emma fainted when she saw her husband return from the persecution.
Joseph lept from a runaway horse coach, as did his associate, Bishop Whitney. Joseph was unharmed, but Bishop Whitney broke his leg in several places.
Joseph Smith had been fed poisonous material, which he vomited up so violently that it dislocated his jaw. It also caused him to loose tufts of hair (which is the reason why some depictions of the Prophet Joseph Smith show his hair combed in a funny sort of way.) Joseph Smith praised God and thanked Him even in his afflictions. He manifested the gifts of seership, and through his tribulations became stronger and drew closer to God.
Read this chapter if you wish to learn something about enduring tribulation and persecution in the name of Jesus Christ.
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